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How to Clean Up Pest Bird Droppings!


Each year pest birds such as pigeons, seagulls and crows cause thousands in damage and clean up costs to building owners, homeowners and government agencies. Pest bird droppings can carry over 60 transmittable diseases. Several of these diseases have been known to be transmitted to humans and other animals. Even though these diseases pose minor public health threats, they can be further minimized if safety measures are taken. Wearing protective clothing like disposable coveralls, boots, gloves, and respirators should be used for protection.

If a high-powered water hose is used to strip off dried droppings, dust control measures such as containing the area with plastic sheeting, should be taken. Wetting down the work area will prevent inhalation, reduce the risk of infection and will also prevent the spread of dust outside the work area. Those with a compromised immune system such as people living with HIV/AIDS or cancer patients should not be directly involved in the removal of the droppings. Always wash hands and any exposed skin before eating or drinking and when finished with work.

Several alternatives to using a high-powered water hose exist. One such alternative includes soaking the droppings with water and then shoveling it. Workers should never clean DRY bird droppings from surfaces as the dust might be inhaled and transmit disease to the worker. The wet material should be collected in heavy-duty plastic bags or another type of secure container and discarded with the regular trash.

Once the structures are cleaned they may also be disinfected. You can use a simple solution of ammonia or bleach and water and apply to the surface to disinfect and remove the odor associated with pest bird droppings.

The key to reducing the risk of disease from bird droppings is to create an environment that excludes them from affected areas:

1) Eliminate Food Sources

a. Clean up trash bins and garbage areas

b. Discourage people from feeding birds

c. Pick up trash and food scraps in outdoor eating areas

2) Eliminate Nesting / Roosting Areas

a. Use some sort of physical deterrent to keep birds from landing and roosting on flat surfaces; sound deterrents to scare pest birds from outdoor areas or visual deterrents to keep them out of gardens and vineyards.

3) Call For Help!

a. Contact a local pest control or animal control company and have them install a bird control system.

It is important to keep buildings and other areas that people inhabit free of pest birds and their debris. Installing a bird control system will save time and money spent on clean up of bird droppings and damage made by the birds.

Need help to get rid of pest birds? Contact Bird-B-Gone, Inc. the experts in bird control solutions since 1992. Call today 1-800-392-6915 or visit us at
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